
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Psychological homely issues and tested confirmed operation

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

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Mind difference:

I have been stuck in my psychological issues for almost a year. For instance I sometime felt that the weight of my right feet is more than my left one. When this thought is not in my mind then I don’t feel this issue. But when I think about it my study gets affected. . I know that I have been left far behind in my studies. I want to get rid of this issue. I know my talk is very strange. I am Student of FSc age is of 17 years. (Alif . unknown)


Advice: Ignore the difference and focus on the balance. Nature has awarded you with a beautiful balance in your both feet. That’s why during walking, sitting wearing clothes and shoes there is no difference. That proves that difference in feet in only conceptual. Actually girls of your age think about their physical features a lot. Someone might be worried about the features of face or someone thinks about height issues, someone has complaints of color complexion. As this don’t let an individual work with peace.

Do not let it wander in your brain and tension will get away. Too much thinking and wondering especially about your own self makes a person very tense. Those things are that we did not make and no one has been able to create in this world ever. So whenever the thought of your feet arises then be thankful. The tension will finish and peace will be attained.


Found love:

My brothers love me a lot as I am only one in family. My husband knew that I got a lot of love that’s why he also cares for me. Now my mother in law and sister in law are always furious that how come my husband is not the way with them the way they are with me. Even though my husband is also alone in family just like me and he also got love and affection. . They did not get brought up like my brothers so everyone take care but they have a difference in their attitudes. Another issue is that no one is educated here that’s why these people do not have such awareness like there was in my old folks house. (Seen Ain Karachi)

Advice: Every girl life changes a little bit or more after marriage , this change is not less than any exam , especially when a girl goes into a house with uneducated environment then there is need to work with a lot of patience and endurance especially when you are being compared. The good thing is that example of your brothers is being given this way; there is good happening in your brother and your respect. So don’t consider this an insult. Do well with your sister in laws and keep on giving gifts this way it will increase affection.  This cannot happen that a person does not have some good qualities. So neglect the bad traits and focus on the good ones only then the environment of love can be created.





Tense thoughts

I had left the job before marriage. I was scared that my husband might impose home responsibilities upon me. Now I am worried as there are monetary issues. Husband is doing a job but his income is less. I have taken the training of nursing so job is not a problem. The issue is that my own folks are helping me which my husband hates. I still think in my heart that if I earn, even that income might not be considered good by my husband. Strange thoughts tease me, health is getting affected and temperament is also getting itchy. (Sabahat . Karachi)

Advice: If you are allowed to do a job and husband does not accept your salary then there is no need to be tense, this is his quality that he does not think of your salary as his own. If you want a durable solution to your problem then wait. If your husband gets a better job then your folks won’t have to help you . Anyway the decision to do or not to do a job should be entirely yours and also should have complete control over your salary. If a woman wants she can spend her money on the house. They should not be forced. For getting rid of your tensions it is absolutely essential to face your issues in a positive way.


I got the experience but:

I studies whole heartedly, did MBA and served in different organizations free of charge so that I would get experience and then I would be able to work in a big organization on a higher job designation. Then I did not get a job for a year then I lost all hope and I am working in a private organization. My folks are happy but I keep on getting tense in my mind that I did so much effort for nothing, studied so much without any result. (Ijaz Ahmed Islamabad)

Advice: The skill and quality that you have produced in yourself with hard work that is highly appreciable. Remember that it is a treasure. Such a wealth that cannot be stolen neither can it be finished. So save yourself from despair. Today you are working in a good private company, as a lot of people are doing effort according to their work but they don’t get it and it is not the case that they won’t get a job according to their desire.



When I was a child then if a teacher with a strict temperament showed up then my heart would become tense, I would sweat and heart would beat with full might. Now I have done BA. I had never thought of doing a job as I am scared of my previous state so that I might teach with full effort and what if my class does not do well in exam. Mischievous children might tease me as I cannot face children. This is my psychological issue.  (Arsia. hyderabad)

Advice: If the teacher is strict or parents are strict or may be someone in the house such as elder brother, sister, uncle etc. this causes tension for young children. Often children become emotionally established when they grow up but some children still feel this feeling after growing up. For the moment this is not the issue with you but the feeling of tension is still there. And there are some mere issues because of which you have considered that you cannot face children. First start teaching in your house then it will be easy to teach in school. If you feel tense anywhere then instantly do this procedure that take 3, 4 deep breaths. Give a little gap in between and inhale through the nose and hold it for 3, 4 seconds then exhale from the mouth. If you do it 4, 5 times then it will instantly bring relation in tension other than that the exercises of breathing can also help.

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